Friday, October 14, 2016

Top 12 Main Causes of Global Warming List

Global warming is a big issue for concern which has found it’s place in big discussion rooms and is  an alarm with no snooze button for the human beings which wakes them up from deep slumber where they dreamt of acquiring profits for their means and in the long run forgot to look after their guardians our nature,which is the source of everything we live on, from food,water and even the air we take into respire.But we are polluting the same water we will drink,polluting the same air we will need to respire and extensive use of strong chemical fertilizer which is ruining our crops instead of making them healthy
We as human expect a lot from others, but are we giving our nature back the same thing? The answer is yes, but we are giving our nature the return gift for the favour of the nature, protecting us as pollution of water and air,destruction of forests and exploitation in the form of a mining of our mother earth
In order to make our own world we are destroying world’s of millions who have their home on earth, which includes the animals,birds and the insects as well who have supported and protected every time we were in trouble.Not,only this the contribution and sacrifice of these animals,trees and the whole ecosystem around us are the elements which have helped us in evolution from a nescient to an effective thinker.Is this that they deserve? Our heart pumps and our mind throttles back saying, of course not at all .
We have to nurture the nature, love it and to do that first we will have to understand what constant troubles we the social animals are creating for mother earth,and the trouble which forces us each of us to ponder and analyse before it is too late.
Before leading towards the causes, it is very much important to know what is global warming.
Global warming, can be defined as an increase in the earth’s atmospheric, oceanic temperatures and an overall change in earth’s atmosphere including a rise in sea levels and variability of snow falls. Climate change and associated impacts vary from region to region around the globe. Due to increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution and other activities such as, greenhouse gas emissions produced by human activities mainly industrial processes and transportation.
What is the greenhouse effect?
According to, IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change) “Greenhouse gases effectively absorb thermal infra-red radiation, emitted by the Earth’s surface, by the atmosphere itself due to the same gases, and by clouds. Atmospheric radiation is emitted to all sides. Thus, greenhouse gases trap heat within the surface-troposphere system. This is called the Greenhouse effect
[Note: In 1998, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), to cope with the threat that global warming presents to the world.] The Main causes of Global warming are:

12. Increase in co2 concentration

The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere by about thirty percent, due to Human beings have increased, the increase is proportional to increases in fossil fuel combustion ,for electricity generation, transportation, and heating, and also the manufacture of cement , (human caused) emissions. It is predicted that we’ll soon reach carbon dioxide concentrations that haven’t been seen on Earth in the last 50 million years, which is eventually leading to changes in the Earth’s average surface temperature, which is really proving fatal to human lives.

11. Ozone Depletion

ozone depletion
Increase in ozone levels in the stratosphere over Antarctica, are the result of complex chemical processes. The return of the Sun at the end of winter triggers photochemical reactions that lead to the destruction of ozone in the stratosphere. As reported Over the Arctic the gradual development of an annual decline during the 1990s, has been observed. The Protection of the Ozone Layer amendments has been issued to eliminate certain CFCs from industrial production, the substantial destruction of ozone in the stratosphere over Antarctica, has not seen any improvement till date.

10. Deforestation

The use of forests for fuel (both wood, for charcoal and other necessary lifestyle products) is one cause of deforestation. In order satiate ourselves, for wood and other products, mainly habitat and to build farms we are chopping forests which is not a good sign and has also leads to decrease in rainfalls. Forests are very human friendly, they clean the air as they act as natural filters remove and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and this deforestation releases large amounts of carbon, as well as reducing the amount of carbon gas capture on the earth.
9. Methane and Nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture, Arctic sea beds and factories
methane gas
Methane is one of the greenhouse gases, which causes global warming. When organic matter is broken down by bacteria under oxygen-starved conditions as in agricultural fields, methane is produced. The process also takes place in the intestines of herbivorous animals, and with the increase in the amount of concentrated livestock production, the levels of methane released into the atmosphere is increasing. Another source of methane is methane clathrate, a compound in large amounts of methane trapped in the crystal structure of ice. As methane escapes from the Arctic seabed, the rate of global warming increases, accordingly.

8. Aerosols present in the Atmosphere

Atmospheric aerosols is able to alter the climate in two important ways.
  •  They scatter and absorb solar and infra-red radiation
  • They may change the micro-physical and chemical properties of clouds and possibly their lifetime and extent.
This can be explained as, scattering of solar radiation acts to cool the planet, while the absorption of solar radiation by aerosols warms the air directly instead of absorption of sunlight from the surface of the Earth.
The human contribution to the amount of aerosols in the atmosphere takes many forms, such as:
  • Biomass burning produces a combination of organic droplets.
  • Exhaust emissions from transport generate pollutants that are either aerosols from the outset, or are converted by chemical reactions in the atmosphere to form aerosols.
The concentrations of condensation nuclei are about three times higher in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere. This higher concentration is estimated to result in radiation forcing that is only about 50 percent higher in the Northern Hemisphere as reported.

7. Rise in sea levels

Increase in sea levels is the result of melting of two massive ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland as researched by scientists. However, many nations around the world will experience the effects of rising sea levels, which could displace millions of people. The Maldives a country is already looking for a new home due to rising sea levels. Majority of Americans living in coastal states, are facing large impacts due to global warming. Seawater expands, takes more space in the ocean and causes a surplus rise in water level and also the melting of ice over land, which then adds water to the ocean.

6. Plankton boom due to warming seas

Some of the sea lions, sea urchins, kelp beds, and fish populations, appears to have extinct due to loss of plankton, decrease in population of sea lions, leading orcas to eat too many sea otters, leading to urchin explosions, leading to loss of various fish populations.

5. Water Vapour

Water vapour is increasing in the atmosphere due to carbon dioxide-induced warming. Two-thirds of the heat trapped by greenhouse gases is contained in water vapor, and as the average temperature on the planet to raises, the amount of water vapour rises in turn, leading to untimely rainfall which may further cause other natural calamities such as floods.

4. Sunspots

Sunspots are dark patches on the sun’s surface that block hot solar plasma. Increase in solar activities changes the Earth’s solar radiation levels, thereby causing short-term warming cycles. Surrounding sunspots are bright patches known as faculae. These patches give off greater than normal radiation, and they are more powerful than the darker, cooler patches. This means that the total average energy over a 30-day solar rotation increases, which gives way to many other after effects

3. Burning of Fossil Fuels

Each time a fossil fuel burn, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere increase. As we know carbon dioxide absorbs infra-red energy emitted from the earth’s surface, preventing it from returning to space. Auto mobiles, Carbon emissions from the burning of gasoline to power cars, trucks, and other methods of transportation. Electricity generation requires, coal is the largest producer of carbon dioxide emissions, Therefore countries across the world want to switch to nuclear power plants.

2. Mining activities

Mining oil, coal and other mineral products underlying in deep beds allow methane, a greenhouse gas, to escape from the earth. Disturbing the soil, stored gases make their way into the environment.

1. Population Increase

population increase
As the population on Earth increases, food and housing demands along with other basic necessities also increase. Manure from cattle, contributes to methane gas levels. The cutting down of forests to make space for housing and other buildings accounts for close to 11-12 % of carbon emissions.
So love your planet to live your life with no hap hazards and become more eco friendly.


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